Παρουσιάσεις ερευνητικών εργασιών σε συνέδρια μέσα στο 2022
Karatzimas and S. Cohen, Users in public administrators’ shoes: An experiment on popular financial report development, EGPA Spring Workshop, Rome 26-27 May, 2022 and EGPA, Lisbon, 6-9 September, 2022
Malkogianni and S. Cohen, An assessment of the divergence between cash and accrual-based accounting information in Greek municipalities, EGPA Spring Workshop, Rome 26-27 May, 2022
Cohen S., F. Manes-Rossi and I. Brusca, Making SDGs an accounting issue: Sustainable Development Scorecard for Public Sector Organizations, EGPA Spring Workshop, Rome 26-27 May, 2022 and 16th CIGAR Workshop, 22-23, September Cottbus - Berlin.
Kapoutsis, I., Lampaki, A., Stoumpou, D., Markaki, C., & Kaniouras, A. (2022). Mea Culpa: The role of leaders’ self-criticism in construing positive political contexts that encourage followers’ creativity and voice behaviour. 5th Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Leadership Symposium, Mykonos, Greece, May 5-7, 2022.
Vartziotis, N. X., Dimitropoulou, M., Kardaras, D., & Manolopoulos, D. (2022). Integrating the Technology Acceptance Model with Innovation Diffusion Theory: An Empirical Research. In ‘Stronger Together: Building Sustainable Local and Global Partnerships for a Better Future’ Administrative Sciences Administration of Canada Conference, ASAC, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Vartzelis, N., Dimitropoulou, M., Kardaras, D., and Manolopoulos, D. (2022). How can we facilitate the adoption of information systems in the workplace? In 22nd European Academy of Management Annual Conference, EURAM, Zurich, Switzerland.
Agoraki M.E., Kouretas, G., Nadal De Simone, F., (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on the Euro Area banks’ balance sheets, 8th Paris Financial Management Conference, IPAG Business School, 19–21 December, Paris.
Agoraki M.E., Kouretas, G., Nadal De Simone, F., (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on the Euro Area banks’ balance sheets, World Finance and Banking Symposium, 16-17 December, Florida International University, Miami.
Agoraki M.E., Kouretas, G., Nadal De Simone, F., (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on the Euro Area banks’ balance sheets, 7th Vietnam Symposium on Banking and Finance, 27 – 29 October, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Agoraki, M.E., Gounopoulos, D., Kouretas, G., (2022). CEO gender diversity and the U.S. IPOs underpricing, 8th Paris Financial Management Conference, IPAG Business School, 19–21 December, Paris.
Agoraki, M.E., Gounopoulos, D., Kouretas, G., (2022). CEO gender diversity and the U.S. IPOs underpricing, World Finance and Banking Symposium, 16-17 December , Florida International University, Miami.
Agoraki, M.E., Gounopoulos, D., Kouretas, G., (2022). CEO gender diversity and the U.S. IPOs underpricing, 7th Vietnam Symposium on Banking and Finance, 27 – 29 October, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Agoraki, M.E., Aslanidis, N., Kouretas, G., (2022). How COVID-19 has affected the performance of green investment funds?, 3rd Financial Economics Meetings (FEM-2022), 30 June-1 July, Paris.
Agoraki, M.E., Aslanidis, N., Kouretas, G., (2022). How COVID-19 has affected the performance of green investment funds?, 26th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, 26-28 May, University of Crete, Rethymno.
Agoraki, M.E., Gounopoulos, D., Kouretas, G., (2022). Bank IPOs and Regulations' Impact on Social Benefits, 26th International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, 26-28 May, University of Crete, Rethymno.
Xenakis, M., Manolopoulos, D., and Papadopoulos, A. (2022). Business Models Portfolio Designs and Firm Performance: A Configurational Approach. In ‘Leading Digital Transformation’ 22nd European Academy of Management Annual Conference, EURAM, Zurich, Switzerland.
Papalexandris, A. and Kostopoulos, K. (2022) Unraveling the relationship between high performance work systems and team performance: The contingent role of team climate. Academy of Management Conference, Seattle: Washington, August 4-10.
Mammassis C.S., Papagopoulos, G. Kostopoulos, K. and Papalexandris, A. (2022) The emergence of team ambidexterity: individual characteristics and the moderating role of social integration in achieving team performance. British Academy of Management Conference, Manchester: UK, 31 August – 2 September.
Salavou, H. & Mamakou X.J. (2022) Adolescent pathways to entrepreneurship career choice. A configurational approach in the quest of entrepreneurial intentions., The European Academy of Management Conference, EURAM 2022, 15-17 June 2022.
Sarantopoulos P., Alsaeed G., Keeling K., Gadalla E. (2022). Influencer Marketing: Exploring Consumers’ Perceptions Towards Sponsored Content. In Middle East & North Africa Conference for Information Systems, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, November.
Sarantopoulos P., He H. (2022). How Does the Location of Fast Fashion Brands’ Sustainability Initiatives Influence Consumers, In Journal of Business Ethics Special Issue on Fashionable Ethics Paper Development Workshop, Online, June.
Sarantopoulos P., Vomberg A. and Homburg C. (2022). Dynamic Pricing: Consumer Reactions and Effective Retailer Responses. In European Marketing Academy Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May.
Spilioti S. (2022) “What does Explain Miss-Pricing? The Case of the Eurozone Stock- Market” Multinational Finance Conference, Πολωνία, 26-29 Ιουνίου.