Διεθνής και Εθνική Παρουσία μελών ΔΕΠ



Guest-editors σε Special Issues περιοδικών

Γιάννης Βεργινάδης

Μέλος της Ειδικής Συντακτικής Ομάδας του επιστημονικού περιοδικού Future Internet (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/futureinternet) για το Special Issue με τίτλο "Multi-Clouds and Edge Computing"

Ιωάννης Θάνος

Guest Editor στο Special issue, European Management Journal, Reshaping M&A scholarship – Broadening the boundaries of M&A research με τους DuncanAngwin, FlorianBauer και SatuTeerikangas


Σάνδρα Κοέν

Guest Associate Editor in the 2021 CIGAR PMM annual issue with E. Caperchione, M. Bisogno, J. Caruana, and F. Manes-Rossi (2021)

Guest Editor in the Special Issue entitled: Happy endings and successful stories in public sector financial management: a lesson drawing perspective", with F. Manes-Rossi, I. Brusca, and E Caperchione, in International Journal of Public Sector Management. 

Γεώργιος Κουρέτας

Guest Editor στο Journal of Financial Services Research, Special Issue on “The role of financial markets, policy, and financial intermediaries in facilitating sustainable growth”, April 2023, with Athanasios P. Papadopoulos.

Guest Editor, Journal of Forecasting, Special Issue, May 2023, “Advances in Forecasting in Macroeconomics and Financial Markets”, with Anindya Banerjee, Stephen G. Hall, George S. Tavlas.

Guest Editor Journal of Financial Stability, Special Issue on “Financing Decisions in the QE era” and “Political and financial instability”, May 2022, with Athanasios P. Papadopoulos and George S. Tavlas.

Guest editor in International Journal of Public Sector Management for the Special Issue entitled "Happy endings and successful stories in public sector financial management: a lesson drawing perspective" (2021) with F. Manes Rossi, E. Caperchione and I. Brusca.


Θέση Συντάκτη (editor) ή Συνσυντάκη (co-editor) σε περιοδικά ή σειρές βιβλίων

Ιωάννης Θάνος

Associate Editor European Management Journal

Σάνδρα Κοέν

Co-editor in the Palgrave Book Series "Public Sector Financial Management"

Editorial Boards

Συμμετοχή σε συντακτικές ομάδες (Editorial Boards) επιστημονικών περιοδικών

Εμμανουήλ Δεδούλης

Member of the editorial board of the Critical Perspectives on Accounting

Ιωάννης Θάνος

Εditorial board member-Journal of Knowledge management, Frontiers in Psychology

Ηλίας Καπουτσής

Member of the editorial board of the Academy of Management Perspectives

Associate editor at Frontiers in Psychology: Organizational Psychology

Σάνδρα Κοέν

Member of the editorial board of the Financial Accountability and Management

Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management

Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Public Sector Management


Θέσεις ευθύνης σε οργανισμούς ή ερευνητικές ομάδες (πχ. διοικητικά συμβούλια, research networks, ομάδες εργασίας κλπ.)

Εμμανουήλ Δεδούλης

Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Ποιοτικού Ελέγχου του Σώματος Ορκωτών Ελεγκτών Λογιστών

Ηλίας Καπουτσής

Member of the National Representatives Council at the European Academy of Management 

Βασίλης Παπαδάκης

Αντιπρύτανης Διεθνούς Συνεργασίας και Ανάπτυξης στο ΟΠΑ


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